India Power : Jholmoley Sharad Samman Digital Awards

Jholmoley Sharad Samman has been hosting for over 5 years

Bengal mirror, Asansol: India Power Corporation Limited is known for it’s flagship public relation activities, Jholmoley Sharad Samman that it has been hosting for over 5 years now in the regions of Asansol, Raniganj & Durgapur. It has been a huge success throughout & this year would be no different !!

This year, however in the light of the pandemic that has affected all our lives, the World at large has moved to “the New Normal”, where the Digital Era has taken over physical presence. From work life to education, everything has moved to a digital platform!

whole Parikrama would be done digitally

Embracing this “new normal”, India Power Corporation Limited has decided to proactively move away from the traditional Pujo Parikrama and introduce the first time ever, Jholmoley Sharad Samman Digital Awards, where the whole Parikrama would be done digitally through our Facebook Page.

India Power aims to reach out to everyone throughout the world and showcase the various Pujos in the Asansol Durgapur region on it’s FB page.

The Pujo Committees would share their Pujo & Pandal videos with us which in turn would be showcased on our Digital Platforms. The videos would present to the World, how the pandal has followed the guidelines issued by Chief Secretary, govt. of West Bengal.

The protocols on the construction of a pandal, pujo rituals, how mask and sanitizers are being distributed etc would be an integral part of the video & hence the judging process.

The Parikrama would begin from Ashtami , 24th October 2020 and the Eminent judges would see these videos to decide this year’s Jholmoley Sharad Samman 2020 Digital Award winner!  The winners would be announced by Dashami,26th October 2020 on our Facebook page.

The whole event as well as the promotion of it, has moved away from on ground activities to digital, marking a huge shift in the way the company has adapted to the “New Normal”!

Jhalmale Sharad Samman is now going Digital for the first time

Mr. Somesh Dasgupta, Whole Time Director, IPCL sharing his view on this new initiative, “This year we are following the ‘New Normal’ and our Flagship PR event, Jhalmale Sharad Samman is now going Digital for the first time.

In times of pandemic, IPCL wishes to be a part of the Pujo celebration but from a responsible perspective. We urge everyone else to follow the Pujo guidelines issued by the Government of West Bengal.”

Apart from the Parikrama, India Power is also initiating the first time ever, LIVE from India Power Sactoria Puja during Ashtami. This would give the whole world at large to witness the PUJO sitting from home in front of their phones/ laptops and pay respect to Goddess Durga.

Viewers can be a part of the whole thing virtually , in the safety of their homes in times of the pandemic. From traditional pandal hopping to the new age video clicking, India Power is always ready to adapt to new things & embrace the changes gracefully.

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